Sunday, July 29, 2012

Week 1: Starting Over... Again

Week 1:  Initial Weigh in - 350 lbs

OK, I'm exaggerating.  349.4 lbs, to be exact.  Jeez.  How did I get here?  I want to weigh 150, so that's 200 lbs I have to lose.  I suppose that doesn't matter if I can get back 'there', where I'm thin.  Or 'curvy'.  Or 'athletic'.  Or at least 'healthy'.

I say 'healthy' like that because even at my weight, I don't have a lot of medical problems.  Blood pressure's fine, no diabetes, liver's fine (ok, maybe that's the booze talking, but it's fine).  The last time I went to my ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat Dr), he gave me a rash of crap over my weight and told me I had to do a sleep study.  He said, "The acid reflux?  That won't do you in.  The sleep apnea?  That will do you in."  So I did the study.

Months went by after my 3 nights of torture, and I hadn't heard from the doctor.  I called and I have mild sleep apnea.  No need to see the Doc.  I'm healthy THERE, too.  HA!!

I laugh and point when someone says my weight is making me unhealthy and I test otherwise.  I throw it in their face that my body can handle it, but it's wearing me down.

I was walking down my aunt's steps, behind my grandmother, and heard the creaking of the stairs.  Old stairs, and both of us are larger women  That'll do it, right?  When I was leaving the house and walked down the concrete step, I heard the same noise.  Concrete doesn't squeak.  It was my knees.  They were singing out, or groaning, rather, that I was putting all that weight on one of them, for however short a period of time, and they didn't like it.

So that brings us back here, yet again.  I am going to try and lose weight.  Again.  I have a plan.  I have an arsenal.  This time will be different.  I tell myself that every time, but I'm going to try again.  And that's what really counts, right?